Thursday 14 April 2011

Hand Made Furnitures

Some say that the furniture is an art, science and others. Those who see furniture making as an art show in the design and production as it has for the artists who imagine that they want to draw, and do it by hand. Others see the furniture in the adoption of a design and draw a picture and then copy machines in the exact design.

The furniture industry is generally classified as hand-made, semi-machine made, or that is completely mechanical.

The process of production "craft" usually means "tools" used only for making furniture. Handmade manufacture suitable for certain types of furniture, but nothing else. Modern furniture and contemporary, which requires accurate measurements and styles, do not borrow their own artisan process.

The type of furniture, which is definitely a hand made generally known, or carved rustic furniture, where pieces of furniture are created by parents or recycled wood and is carved in the form or the tree itself, or a sculpture a stylized tree. This type of wood furniture can also be a natural tree roots or branches, and use of forest shape.

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